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Credit: Sahand Babali Gav

How VARs Can Support Growing Micro Data Center Demands

VARS can support the growing micro-data needs of increased data creation and decreased ability to rely on the “cloud”.

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to a dramatic increase in the creation of data. It is clear that the practice of pushing data analysis processes onto the “cloud” or end-user devices is showing its limited capability. To better distribute workloads and handle greater volumes of data, the processing and analyzing of data has begun to move to the edge of networks in the form of micro data centers.

Edge computing optimizes cloud systems by setting up micro data centers that process and analyze data where it is generated. This method of computing reduces the distance and the volume of data that needs to move through the network. The result is a significant decrease in transmission costs, lower latency, and improved quality of service. Seeing the benefits of an edge computing system, many businesses are now pairing their clouds with strategically placed micro-data centers.

To maintain a tactical advantage in data processing, end-users have been actively looking to build and maintain a micro data center environment, often with the latest in hyper-convergence technology. This means keeping up with the latest in data center technology through constant infrastructure refreshes.

For VAR sales teams, this means a shorter sales cycle, higher revenues, and better margins compared to core data center deals. The VARs that can design the right solutions for their clients will see an uptick in this business in the coming years.

This also presents an opportunity for VARs to distinguish themselves as a trusted business partner. VARs can win clients by proving they can truly support micro data center infrastructure by being flexible, agile, and meeting just-in-time deployment timelines.

Working with a global logistics provider experienced in executing just-in-time shipments of IT hardware will be beneficial in meeting these demands.

At FGX, we do just that. We position ourselves as a global logistics and consulting layer that you can add to your sales and procurement processes. When a client needs to set up or refresh a micro data center you can confidently deliver the hardware they need, where they need it.