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*Rates shown are an average our most recent 100 shipments. Please reach out for updated and exact estimates.
Importer of Record
Can FGX provide IOR service in Brazil?
Utilizing Importer of Record services in Brazil is more complex than in other locations. In fact, traditional “Importer of Record” services are not possible, as imports via third-parties are not allowed. Brazil strictly scrutinizes the commercial transaction details of each shipment and closely reviews the origin of each transaction, whether or not payment for the imported goods is required, and how the ownership will be managed in-country.
Depending on the set-up of your local entities in the U.S. and the status of your entity in Brazil, you may have to undergo a more complex process to properly import your equipment. It’s necessary to have a knowledgeable partner that can navigate the complex local sale and transfer of materials processes for you.
What is RADAR?
RADAR (Ambiente de Registro e Rastreamento de Atuação do Intervenientes Aduaneiros) regulates all imports and exports into/out of Brazil. RADAR can assign one of four accreditations to your shipment – Simplified, Ordinary, Restricted, and Special. Your logistics provider should guide your choice for which accreditation is right for you and subsequently assist you in filling out the paperwork correctly.
In the past, my shipments to Brazil have been designated in “yellow lane” or “red lane,” what does this mean? Is there a way to get a better lane designation?
Like many other countries in the region, Brazil’s customs process relies on a lane system to judge the inspection needed for each shipment. Customs organizes your shipment into a “lane” based on a combination of the import entity’s reputation, type of equipment being shipped, and customs officers’ discretions. The lane speeds go from green to red, with green being the fastest, and red being the slowest. Customs assigns your shipment to a lane of inspection upon arrival; stricter lanes of inspection may take more time or effort to process. However, an experienced Importer of Record provider should be able to navigate any issues that your shipment encounters.
Can used equipment be imported into Brazil?
It is possible to import used goods into Brazil! There is a rather complicated import license that is required to obtain approval to ship used equipment, which can take upwards of a month to process. FGX has successfully obtained these licenses on behalf of our clients, please reach out to us to learn more.