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*Rates shown are an average our most recent 100 shipments. Please reach out for updated and exact estimates.
Importer of Record
Can I act as my own Importer of Record in Colombia?
In order to act as your own Importer of Record in Colombia you must have a registered, local business entity. Most of our clients do not have a registered business in Colombia and therefore, will have to utilize FGX’s Importer of Record services.
If you have a business entity in Colombia and you want to act as your own Importer of Record you will need to obtain an Import Registration Form from the Ministry of Commerce. This registration must include commercial documents, like a purchase order for the equipment.
In the past, my shipments to Colombia have been designated in “yellow lane” or “red lane,” what does this mean? Is there a way to get a better lane designation?
Like many other Latin American countries, the customs clearance process is divided into “lanes.” Your shipment's lane classification is based on a combination of importer reputation, shipment contents, and customs agent discretion. Ultimately, lane designation is up to the customs officer’s discretion, but shipping with a known importer, like FGX, can increase the chances that you will receive a green or yellow lane designation during clearance.