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*Rates shown are an average our most recent 100 shipments. Please reach out for updated and exact estimates.
Importer of Record
Can I utilize an Importer of Record service in Chile?
In some countries, you can simply assign an entity to be your Importer of Record and declare it to the customs officials. In Chile, however, the importer of the shipment must be the official “owner” of the products being imported. Because of this, you will need to have an Importer of Record who knows the different methods of transferring ownership to and from your local entity, and can help you choose the transaction methodology that will work best for your business.
Due to the IOR restrictions, is it easier for me to buy products in-market in Chile?
Despite the heavy regulations when importing hardware, buying in the US and shipping into Chile is still often the better option for many of our clients. Buying in the US gives you more control over the procurement process including providing more options and transparency in price and quality. Additionally, Chile can have long lead times when procuring equipment locally from a Chilean re-seller. It is often quicker to buy equipment locally in the US and ship to your desired location in Chile.
I paid a discounted price for my equipment, can I declare the discounted price on import documents?
When importing your hardware, you'll want to ensure that you have proper valuations of your assets so that you can pay the proper tax and ensure speedy customs clearance. However, when importing into Chile special care must be taken, as customs can revalue your equipment and increase your dutiable amounts if they feel as though your equipment has been improperly valued. Equipment should be valued based on the fair market value, and/or the value of the items that is visible via online pricing searches.