Are you an IT solutions salesperson? Ship hardware to 174 countries. Learn more


Multinational companies

Multinational IT teams typically have to manage deployments to both data centers and office / remote work sites into dozens of countries. Managing a rollout to each unique country creates organizational complexity because each project has its own timelines and requirements. Teams also have to adapt to market changes, for example, during the COVID & the IT supply-chain crisis. Companies were forced to maintain their existing infrastructure while accelerating their digital efforts, which led to situations where IT teams had to manage a global refresh of switches while getting end-user tech to remote employees.

This forced many companies to rethink their global IT sourcing and supply-chain strategies. Companies were used to buying hardware “in-market”, but now, they realized that purchasing in-market left them little to no control over what they could buy, how it would be delivered, and by when. To solve this problem, many companies started exploring ways that they could have more control over their IT supply-chains. For example, many companies wanted to be able to buy from any vendor they wanted, wherever they wanted, while still being able to get their hardware delivered to their respective sites.

This is where FGX Go comes in. By enabling our clients to ship their IT hardware to 174 countries, we provide multinational teams with much more freedom and control over how they want to manage their global infrastructure.

office complex

What is FGX Go?

FGX Go is our turnkey, door-to-data center shipping solution that’s built for companies of all sizes and industries. Whether you’re looking to setup a new data center or ship to an existing PoP, we’ll manage everything from the time you order the equipment from your reseller or OEM to the second it’s delivered to its destination.

How does FGX Go work?

FGX Go is a service level that enables our clients to obtain quotes on a shipment-by-shipment basis, and doesn’t lock you into any contracts, allowing you flexibility to scale up and down as needed. When we provide our quotes, we’ll also do an import check to make sure that the equipment is eligible for use in the country you’re looking to ship to. We’ll also let you know what we’ll be executing on your behalf (for example, applying for permits, funding international deferment accounts, etc.) and how long it’ll take so that you can plan your deployments in advance.

What’s special about FGX Go is that our quotes take into account your company’s international footprint to look for cost reduction and operational efficiency wherever possible. For example, the reduction or elimination of import VAT in certain countries or the capability to reclaim it in others.

After a shipment’s quote is approved, FGX will prepare all of the documentation and licenses, perform all of the necessary compliance work, fund duties and taxes, etc., prior to anything being shipped out. By doing so, we limit the amount of time your hardware is sitting in international customs, thus reducing uncertainty and risk in the process. Once all of the documentation and pre-shipment work have been approved, your equipment will be routed via our private supply-chain to its destination’s port of entry, where our in-house customs brokers take over.

During customs clearance, officials may inquire about the import by asking questions, requesting backup documentation, and more – all of which FGX will manage on your behalf. After customs clearance has been completed, we’ll arrange for the shipment to be delivered via a direct drive to the data center or colocation site and provide you with a POD (proof of delivery).

How much work will I have to do?

As little as possible. There are, however, situations where our clients want to commercialize their shipments in a specific way and in order for FGX to make that happen, we have to work with their international counterparts. In cases like that, our clients have to do a bit of administrative and communication work, but throughout the entire process, FGX acts as the project manager and takes ownership over moving things forward. But in 99% of shipments, FGX is able to manage all of the shipments with zero end-user interaction.

Ship with FGX Go today. Speak to one of our IT logistics specialists to learn more about our capabilities and how we can support your next project.

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