Capital City
Guatemala City
(Local Time)
*Rates shown are an average our most recent 100 shipments. Please reach out for updated and exact estimates.
Importer of Record
Will I need any additional licenses to import IT Equipment into Guatemala?
To import IT hardware into Guatemala, like most other countries, you will need to provide a commercial invoice. However, this invoice must be entirely in Spanish to be accepted by Guatemalan customs. Additionally, shipments to Guatemala require an insurance certification with a CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) calculation. This certificate ensures that both the cost of equipment and import are protected throughout the shipping process. FGX can help you establish the proper valuations and obtain your insurance certificate before import.
What is local sale and how will it affect my shipment?
Guatemalan customs closely scrutinize the financial documents of each shipment for economic and security reasons. They typically review the origin of each transaction, whether or not payment for the imported goods is required, and how the ownership will be managed in-country. Depending on the set-up of your local entities in the U.S. and the status of your entity in Guatemala, you may have to undergo a more complex process to properly import your equipment.