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Uruguay Importer of Record and IT Shipping

Importing IT hardware into Uruguay requires an Importer of Record to navigate BSI Certificates, customs clearance, and last-mile delivery.

Uruguay Importer of Record at a Glance:

Importer of Record

  • Uruguay is a complex market to successfully import to – your IOR provider will need to have licenses in place before importing
  • A BSI certificate from the state insurance bank is typically needed to authorize an entity to import

IT Shipping & Logistics 

  • Securing air freight to Uruguay may take a couple of days; plan your timeline accordingly
  • Once the shipment clears customs, last-mile delivery typically only takes a day or two

Importer of Record and Pre-Shipping Documentation 

Importer of Record

Uruguay is a popular location for our clients to utilize an Importer of Record provider. However, if our clients have a registered entity that is import eligible, FGX will assist your company in acting as their own Importer of Record.

BSE Certificate

Additionally, to import IT hardware into Uruguay, you will need authorization from BSE – the state insurance bank. This authorization ensures that both the cost of equipment and import are protected throughout the shipping process. The BSE issues a BSI certificate which declares that the import entity is authorized to import.

IT Shipping & Logistics

While it is not difficult to obtain air freight to Uruguay from the U.S., flights to Uruguay do not happen daily. You should allocate an additional few days into your timeline so that a lack of air freight availability does not prevent your shipment from being delivered in time.

When deploying IT hardware to Uruguay, we rarely deliver equipment outside of Montevideo. Once we have delivered your equipment to Uruguay and it has cleared customs, last-mile delivery should only take a few days.

FGX manages all of our client’s shipments door-to-door (or door-to-datacenter). This case study showcases how we navigated IT logistics and importation into Uruguay at the time that it was written. Regulations and challenges are constantly changing and exact shipping requirements may have changed. To learn more about FGX and how our global shipping platform can help your company, reach out here.